Tuesday, November 15

Give me your answer


I went for my formal pregnancy test yesterday (called a Beta hCG or Beta for short).  Most fertility patients get their results back the same day but since I use an out-of-town lab, I had to wait until the next morning (aka torture myself sitting up half the night staring at my home pregnancy tests trying to figure out if the line was getting darker). 

This morning I finally got the call and my number is 58.  It seems low to me but the nurse said they consider it a positive.  For comparison, my first beta with the twins was 178 and we tested one day earlier.

I'm obsessively Googling the Internet for verification.   http://www.betabase.info/  (a great statistical resource for neurotic fertility patients) tells me that the average result reported for a singleton pregnancy on this day is 139.  The nurse told me that the betas for frozen transfers are usually lower than fresh transfers.  She didn't know why but it suppose frozen embryos might implant a little later.  It's logical that they would need a day or two to recover from being in a giant freezer for 3 years.

Supposedly it doesn't matter what the number is as long as it's increasing.  In a viable pregnancy, the Beta should increase exponentially.  At this point it should double at least every 48 hours.  So I go back for another blood test on Wednesday.

In summary, we are excited but not wanting to get our hopes up.

PS: the due date is July 23rd.  3 days before my birthday :-).

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