Thursday, November 17

Fill in a form

4 weeks  4 days :

I had my 2nd Beta yesterday.   I called first thing this morning to check the results.  They weren't in yet but I did discover something very disturbing about my clinic.  They have a "no news is good news" policy about 2nd betas.  The nurse told me that they would only call me if the Beta wasn't doubling.   I'm not sure this works for me.  You'd think that an IVF clinic would have a better appreciation of how a fertility patient's mind works - we're a neurotic bunch.

So I didn't go to work today.  I sat here waiting by the phone praying that it wouldn't ring.  It's now 10 pm and no phone call.  I guess that means I'm pregnant.....or perhaps the lab lost my results and never sent them to the clinic.  I still feel in limbo.  I'm going to call them tomorrow to check.

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