Monday, November 7

Doing the garden, digging the weeds

3dp5dt (3 days post 5 day transfer)

It's funny how much things have changed in 3 years.

March 2008:

After our first embryo transfer I went on virtual bedrest.  We drove back to Edmonton with my seat reclined so I could remain prone to encourage implantation.  We worried the entire time that the vibrations from the car would somehow damage the embryos .  I even ate dinner laying down in our hotel room bed.   When we arrived home, I treated myself like I was made of glass.  I laid in bed, no housework and wouldn't dream of lifting anything heavier than a carton of milk.   Greg doted on me and talked to my belly.  I remember thinking that it would be ok if it didn't take because it felt so good to be pregnant even for just that one week.

November 2011:

The clinic's specific instructions were:
1) No strenuous exercise
2) No swimming (not sure why that's not allowed)
3) No hot tubs or hot baths
4) No sex

As far as I'm concerned, anything else goes.  Since arriving home I've done the following:

1) Helped clean up the yard for winter (lifting, carrying planters, clearing out dead plants, hauling the wheelbarrow etc.)
2) Carried 60+ lbs of squirmy toddlers up and down the stairs repeatedly.
3) Scooped the cat litter box.
4) Ate popcorn for supper and potentially listeria-ridden deli meat for lunch.

Now I'm back at work and dealing with some seriously stressful crap (a big shakeup is occurring  complete with backstabbing, betrayal and lots of politics).  If this cycle is successful, it will be proof positive that "relaxing" and having a positive attitude has no impact on your outcome. Oh and also the twins are have croup and are sick and miserable.  When it rains it pours. 

I think that being busy is probably a good thing.  It's much better than dwelling on the count-down to beta.  The first 3 days have flown by and I've barely thought about it.

I am not feeling as optimistic as last week.  No particular reason to be doubtful.  I just don't feel that it's going to work.  I hope I'm wrong.

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