Friday, October 28

Who could ask for more

Lining Check:

I might as well re-name this blog: Sandra's half-ass FET.   I've been on estrace for 2 weeks now and I've been just as negligent as with the BCP.   I'm supposed to take 3 pills a day 8 hours apart but I honestly have no idea how many I've been taking.   Might be 1 a day, might be 4.  It doesn't help that I'm taking a bunch of vitamins and supplements too.  I keep forgetting what I've already taken.   I gotta get one of those idiot-proof pill organizers that seniors use.   The good news is that yet again, my neglect doesn't seem to matter.  The clinic called this afternoon and my lining looks great.  We are good to go forward with transfer next Friday.  On Monday, I stop the lupron and start taking progesterone which I'm sure will cause all sorts of new hormonal roller coasters.

This morning's ultrasound was preceded by much less drama.  It was still ridiculously long though - I think she did another full pelvic u/s.  By some design flaw the radiology clinic was fitted with overhead halogen lights.  They do try to make it more pleasant by diming the lights but it's still very distracting.   Imagine staring at this for 45 minutes.

This was my view for 45 minutes.
For variety, I would occasionally shut my eyes so I could instead stare at the mirror image burned on my retina which looked kind of like the Eye of Sauron.
One ring to rule them all...
In other news, I am freaking out.  It finally hit me that if this doesn't work, it will be over and there will be no second chances.  We decided years ago that we won't do another fresh cycle.  Really we should be happy with what we have.   We've already been awarded the infertility holy grail. (ie boy/girl twins).   At times, it does seem greedy to want more.  But babies aren't like handbags.  I love the twins so much, how could I not want another child.  Actually that's a terrible analogy because really, one can never have too many handbags either.

I'm frantically grasping at straws to come up with a plan B.  I called my local clinic yesterday to set up a consult (they're really busy and it takes months to get an appointment.)  We might try doing a few IUI's.  Given our various fertility challeges, it's unlikely to work but better than giving up altogether.

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