Friday, October 14

Indicate precisely what you mean to say

Baseline ultrasound and bloodwork:

As with everything else in my life lately, it was a disorganized gong show.

Yesterday afternoon I pulled out my requisitions to confirm the times/places.  My u/s was booked at MIC (a radiology clinic downtown) at 8:50 am.   I vaguely recall a clinic nurse telling me to go to the lab at the Royal Alex hospital first to get the blood-work done.  I didn’t question this at the time because that's where the Edmonton Fertility Clinic sent their patients and I know that lab does rush fertility bloodwork (the clinic needs the results back that morning).

Here's the problem.  The hospital lab is first come/first serve and opens up at 8 am.   It's very unlikely that I would be done in time to make it to MIC by 8:50 am. And I’d need to drop the twins off at dayhome first so I couldn't go to the lab early and line-up.  MIC is where I got all my pre-natal scans so I know that if I was late, they wouldn’t hold my spot.  I’d be SOL.

Then I looked at the bloodwork requisition again.  The lab was listed as Dynalife (a local private lab which is not affiliated with Royal Alex lab).  So was I even going to the right place???  I called my clinic to ask but the nurses had already gone home for the day.

In my usual responsible fashion, I went home and promptly forgot about the issue in the whirlwind of dinner prep and bedtime routines.   I woke up early the next morning in a complete panic.  I had no plan.  I’m the kind of person who always needs a plan.  Even a bad one.  Greg had to leave at 5:30 am so he couldn’t help me…although he was surprisingly sympathetic and tried to talk me off the ledge before he left.

The solution was embarrassingly obvious once I calmed down.  I would go to Dynalife first (taking the kids if necessary) and if they couldn’t do the bloodwork, I would go to the Alex after the u/s.   Duh. 

So I woke up kids, got them dressed and packed up.  I called and woke up my sister (and totally awesome dayhome provider) to ask if I could pretty please drop off the kids early to which she graciously agreed.  Happily, Dynalife could do the bloodwork.  I got out of there by 8am and had a very relaxing drive to MIC.

The u/s part took forever.  I was in there for almost 90 minutes.  First they couldn’t find the instructions from my clinic so we had to wait for them to be re-faxed.  Then the u/s tech did the most thorough scan of my ovaries that I’ve EVER had.   She must have taken 50 pictures of each one.   All my previous u/s have been at a fertility clinic and the baseline normally takes like 45 seconds.   I guess that’s because my RE knows exactly what he’s looking for.

So it all turned out ok in the end.  And yes, I do realize that all the drama could have been avoided if I’d just looked into things a day earlier and made a few phone calls.  The fact is that I am a complete and total basketcase.

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